Friday 17 March 2017


Over 175000 patients visit the emergency department every year with a burns injury in the UK. Burns can be life threatening in the acute phase and severely affect quality of life in the chronic phase with scarring and sometimes even loss of limbs and body parts. Care in the first hours can have a massive impact on the long term outcome, so here is the facts on burns! 


If you approach a burns patient outside of hospital adopt the SAFE approach first always.
SAFE: Shout for help, Assess scene (is it safe?), ensure its Free from danger before you approach, Evaluate the casualty (ABCDE)). Pay particular attention to the A for Airway in your primary and secondary surveys and look for signs of inhalation injury (listed below).

After you have done a general assessment of the patient with ABCD, remove any clothing and jewellery around the injury unless they are stuck to the wound, then leave it. 
Manage the burn with the 3 C's:
Cool the burn with normal running tap water for at least 20 minutes, the water should be around 15 degrees. Cooling is beneficial up to three hours after the burn. The rule is to cool the burn but warm the patient! so make sure the rest of the patient is well covered up, you must prevent hypothermia at all costs. Don't use ice. 
Call an ambulance. 
Cover the injury, use loose clingfilm, on the face you should use wet gauze instead. 


The severity of a burn is judged by the percentage total body surface affected (%TBSA) and the depth of the burn.

3 methods for Judging %TBSA: 
- Wallaces rule of nines (adults, picture below)
- Lund and Bowder chart (accounts for age differences)
- Number of hands (Area of palmar surface of hand is equal to1%)
Include all burnt areas in the surface area but NOT very superficial burns, with no blistering and only red and dry.

Judging depth of burn, four levels of depth:
(-Superficial (dry, red and painful, normal capillary refill)
-Superficial dermal (erythematous, small blistering, moist, painful, brisk capillary refill)
-Mid-dermal (dark pink, blistered, sluggish capillary refill, dull sensation)
-Deep-dermal (blotchy red, may be blisters still, no refill, no sensation)
-Full thickness (white or black, eschar often present, no refill and insensate)

This system has largely superceded the degrees system but is roughly the same:
superficial dermal=first degree burn
mid-dermal and deep dermal= second degree burn
full thickness= third degree burn
note that deep dermal and full thickness burns will not heal!

You should pay pay aprticular attention to signs of impending airway obstruction; hoarseness, stridor, snoring and smoke induced inhalation injury which can result in airway oedema and obstruction. So look for signs of burns to mouth, nose, face, singed nasal hairrs, carbonacous sputum. 

If any of the burns are circumferential in nature, they could act as a tourniquet with scarring and tissue swelling underneath. This could lead to limb ischemia or even respiratory compromise if the chest wall is involved. You need to look out for this! To preserve the limb the patient may need an 'echarotomy' a surgical incision of the burnt tissue to allow the tissue to expand. 


Loss of water from the burnt area and generalised oedema caused by systemic inflammation can cause a life threatening hypovolemia and organ failure.
Start fluids with all burns greater than 15% TBSA using m-Parkland formula below
and aim for a urine output of 0.5ml per kg body weight.
Remember inhalation burns also lead to fluid losses! (you cannot see the extent of internal burns).

The Modified Parkland Formula:
-give 3-4ml Hartmanns solution per kg body weight per %TBSA over 24hours (half given over first 8hours, over half given over next 16hours).

Dilutional hyponatremia is common and so is hyperkalemia with extensive muscle damage. Electrocution burns can cause rhadbomyolysis and myoglobinuria. You may need to increase the fluid resuscitation to prevent acute tubular necrosis from kidney myogobin overload.

MANAGEMENT and pearls:

Inhalation injury management:
-establish patent airway early and consider intubation early. oxygenate and ventilate. Get arterial blood gases and CO levels.

Get tetanus status

Gastroparesis is common and you should consider inserting a NGT.

Patients are often in pain and emotional distress so give IV analgesia early. Consider opioids as first line (titrated to effect).

Avoid antiseptics and dress wounds with non-adherent dressings and gauze, applie covering bandge very loosely. In a first aid setting clingfilm works very well.
-Paraffin gauze and silver sulfadiazine cream, covered with gauze and bandage.

Consider non-accidental injury and abuse, (does the pattern of injury fit the story).

Antibiotics not indicated in early care

Children: start fluids with 10% TBSA burns and aim for urine output of 1ml per kg body wt.

When to refer to a burns specialist/burns centre:

  • Any chemical or electrical burn
  • Any burn to face, perineum/genitalia, hands and feet
  • TBSA greater than 25% second degree burn
  • All full thickness burns
Main complications of full thickness/third degree burns:

  • Infections, sepsis
  • Tetanus
  • Hypothermia
  • Hypovolemia
Chemical burn management:
-Brush off any powder first, flush the area with copious amounts of water for 20-30minutes. Note duration of exposure and whether chemical is acid or base. 

Surgical management:
(generally by  a plastic surgeon or burns specialist)
Dressing, Escharotomy, Escharectomy, Flaps, Graft
-late escharectomy has better aesthetic outcomes but early escharotomy may be necessary for circulation or ventilation problems. 

-Emergency medicine secrets 6th edition Dr Vincent Markovchick 2016
-Student BMJ January 2016 volume 24
-Lecture notes Prof Klinger Humanitas University 2016 and seminar 2015

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