Thursday 10 March 2016

What vessel arises from abdominal aorta and supplies an organ in the pelvis? (and isnt the inferior mesenteric artery)

I was scrubbed into a vascular surgery operation the other day, a standard aneurysmectomy when the consultant asked me "whats this vessel?". I had no flipping clue, the aorta was exposed and this mysterious vessel seemed to branch from just below the renal arteries and travel down into the pelvis.
It was one of the paired Gonadal arteries! (AKA testicular arteries or ovarian arteries)

The arteries supplying the testicles or ovaries arise from the abdominal aorta at around the L2 level. This is because of the embryological descent of the gonads from the abdominal cavity to their rightful position in the pelvis or scrotum (this process starts at the 3rd month of prgenancy and ends at the end of pregnancy). 
There are a few anatomical variants where the gonandal artery arises from the renal artery or slips behind the inferior vena cava before descending, it may even originate higher than the L2 area. 
So dont forget the Gonadal arteries!

1 comment:

  1. advanced anatomy stuff:
