Monday 11 April 2016

Dont waste your BREXIT vote

On the 23rd of June a referendum will be held in the UK to decide whether Britain should stay in the EU or leave (Brexit). Leaving the EU will put restrictions on free trade, free movement of labour and affect our global trading power (as well as security, believe it not). Brexit will be a nightmare for expats abroad and students like myself studying in Europe (because of restriction of free movement, VISA, taxes etc).
Admittedly the statistic that Britain pays more than they get back is true in terms of hard cash but if they were no longer in the EU that difference would be much larger. Of course the actual effects of Brexit or staying in will all vary depending on the deal that is made with the EU after the voting.
A good explanation by the BBC linked here.
This link shows you how you can vote while abroad. I for one will be rushing to make sure I get my vote in, as BREXIT will be bad news for me, a student abroad. UK governments own advice link.

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